How to plan the expansion of diet catering in Poland?
Rok współpracy: 2015

Body Chief is the leader of diet catering in Poland. In 2015, after the successful launch of a new brand in Poznań, the company decided to expand its business activity to 12 new cities across the country.
- How to prepare a local brand for nationwide expansion?
- How to attract new customers?
- Which tools to use for internal communication in the expanding company structures?
Proposed solutions
- Together with the brand’s team, we developed a new communication strategy taking into account the expansion plans.
- We created a slogan “Body Chief – Not a diet. Lifestyle”, enabling the company to maintain consistent communication across all channels including future new products and services.
- Photo production – image photo shoot with the first nationwide brand ambassador – Omena Mensah.
- Photo production – product photo shoot for the new website and online campaign.
- Online campaigns: we developed a strategy and launched Facebook Ads campaigns aiming to build brand awareness and increase conversion rates and sales (online and by phone).
- We prepared an online platform for regional managers featuring materials on brand communication principles.
- We conducted presentations of the new brand communication strategy at the management meetings, communication workshops for managers and for all employees (using a different approach in the case of each group).
The sales targets
covering the first 6 months were achieved within 6 weeks of launching the expansion to new cities.
The online campaign
reached over 4,000,000 potential customers in 12 cities in Poland within 3 months.
We achieved
a 368% increase in web traffic on social media channels in the first 3 months of the campaign.