TTC University of Gdańsk
New communication strategy for the Technology Transfer Centre of the University of Gdańsk

The main objective of the Technology Transfer Centre of the University of Gdańsk is to commercialise the results of scientific research and development works produced at the university. The centre promotes cooperation between science and business, among others, by comprehensively executing patent and intellectual property protection processes.
- Gathering information on the target groups of the TTC at the University of Gdańsk, which will serve as the basis for preparing a communication and brand positioning strategy together with an action plan to increase awareness of the services offered by the Centre.
- Creating a positive image of the Technology Transfer Centre in the community, among academics and business representatives.
Solution proposal
- We started with an analysis that included: an analysis of the brand’s activities to date and the environment it operates in; in-depth interviews with brand representatives in order to gather challenges for the strategic process.
- Research into customer needs in the form of in-depth interviews with representatives of selected target groups: academics and business representatives.
- Preparation and facilitation of two workshop meetings with brand developers.
- Development of the final communication strategy document.
Report and summary
The end result of each stage of work was a summary in the form of a report consulted with brand representatives.
Brand strategy
Final brand positioning strategy document including customer segmentation, targeting, definition of brand philosophy, RTB, USP, development of key brand messages and slogans.
Action plan
We have included recommendations for marketing activities in the brand strategy, along with a breakdown of relevant channels tailored to the expectations of target groups and TTC operational capabilities.