How we work - in black & white!
A consumer survey for a chain of boutique sports clubs
Advokat firma
AdvokatFirma – rebranding for a law firm
Allity – brand strategy in the GSM industry
Allity – brand strategy in the GSM industry
Brand strategy
Customer Journey and restaurant communication project
Brand strategy
E-commerce of dietary catering to increase the conversion rate by 50%
Brand strategy
How to plan the expansion of diet catering in Poland?
Catering Heroes Diet – website
E-commerce of dietary catering to increase the conversion rate by 50%
Communication of new products in a children’s fashion brand
DataPax – brand strategy
Strategy of a company in the manufacturing and logistics sector
Domneo.pl – bathroom sector
Brand and communication strategy
Hammer Glass – brand strategy
Brand strategy for the technology sector
Kleenoil – brand strategy
The strategy of a hydraulic oil microfiltration company
Brand strategy for a client from the real estate industry
MBM Solar
Communication strategy and marketing plan for a photovoltaic company
Pasta Italia – strategy
How to distinguish a food court brand?
PESTO – brand strategy
How to turn cheap fast food into an elegant restaurant?
Solano Group – brand strategy
Communication of the new strategy in the organisation
New brand positioning record
TTC University of Gdańsk
Communication strategy
Brand and communication strategy
A SoMe communication tactic supporting workshop sales
Warsaw Concept Store
Image strategy generating online sales.